-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- README - details of each structure passed among the SIMBA .pros - v1.6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- column_box_params. Created by: define_box.pro Returned to: build_column.pro Tags: .center_name string ID of center location point (eg: 'WFFpad') .n_col_horiz_grid_boxes int # of sub boxes within column gird in horiz direction .n_col_vert_grid_boxes int # of sub boxes within column gird in vert direction .column_grid_lats double array of column grid point latitudes [dec deg] .column_grid_lons double array of column grid point longitudes [dec deg] .column_grid_alts float array of column grid point altitudes [m AGL] .column_grid_center_lat double latitude of column grid center point [dec deg] .column_grid_center_lon double longitude of column grid center point [dec deg] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- location. Created by: platform_location.pro Returned to: define_box.pro Tags: .lat_d float latitude degrees value .lat_m float latitude minutes value .lat_s float latitude seconds value .lon_d float longitude degrees value .lon_m float longitude minutes value .lon_s float longitude seconds value -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- main_plat_info. Created by: set_main_plat_values.pro Returned to: build_column.pro Tags: .name string ID name of the main_plat .timestamp 15 char string 'YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS' timestamp for main_plat .lat_deg double, latitude of the main_plat in decimal degress .lon_deg double, longitude of the main_plat in decimal degress .scan_type 3 char string 'PPI' or 'RHI' or 'UNK' for main_plat's scan type -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- plat_info. npol_plat_info. d3r_plat_info. lev2_plat_info. dow6_plat_info. apu_plat_info. two_dvd_plat_info. gauges_plat_info. mrr_plat_info. gmi_plat_info. dpr_plat_info. mrms_plat_info. sondes_plat_info. Created by: set_plat_values.pro or: a platform's module to match format Returned to: build_column.pro or: a platform module Tags: What tags are present depends on the platform type. With the exception of soundings, the number of elements for each tag depends on number of units located within the column grid box: if >1 unit, tags will be arrays. For soundings: Some info tags are arrays, or multi-array structures (depending on # of launch sites in the column grid), see below. GROUND-BASED RADARS: NPOL, 88Ds, D3R, DOW6, MRRs .lat_d: int radar's lat degrees .lat_m: int radar's lat minutes .lat_s: int radar's lat seconds .lon_d: int radar's lon degrees .lon_m: int radar's lon minutes .lon_s: int radar's lon seconds .elev : float, radar's elev (altitude) ASL [m] .plat_name: string ID of radar's name .plat_type: string label for type of platform: 'radar' or 'MRR' .operation_mode: string ID for scan mode: 'PPI', 'RHI', 'UNK' .wavelength: float radar wavelength [m] -- array for D3R [Ku, Ka] .frequency: float radar frequency [GHz] -- array for D3R [Ku, Ka] .beam_width: float radar beam width [deg] -- array for D3R [Ku, Ka] .gate_size: float radar gate size [m] -- array for D3R [Ku, Ka] .timestamp: 15 char string 'YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS' timestamp for current platform FOR NPOL, 88Ds, D3R, DOW6: .timestamp: 15 char 'YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS' timestamp (vol scan start time) .offset_vs_main: int/long # of seconds time offset vs main_plat POSITIVE OFFSET: plat LATER than main_plat NEGATIVE OFFSET: plat EARLIER than main_plat FOR MRRs: .timestamp: 15 char 'YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS' timestamp for center of time interval contained in the column file .offset_vs_main: int/long # of seconds time offset vs main_plat .time_interval_width: int # of mins before & after main_plat time included GROUND-BASED DISDROMETERS: APUs, 2DVDs .lat_d: int disdo's lat degrees .lat_m: int disdo's lat minutes .lat_s: int disdo's lat seconds .lon_d: int disdo's lon degrees .lon_m: int disdo's lon minutes .lon_s: int disdo's lon seconds .plat_name: string ID of unit's name .plat_type: string label for type of disdrometer: 'APU' or '2DVD' .operation_mode: string ID for op mode: 'APU' or '2DVD' .timestamp: 15 char 'YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS' timestamp for center of time interval contained in the column file .offset_vs_main: int/long # of seconds time offset vs main_plat POSITIVE OFFSET: plat LATER than main_plat NEGATIVE OFFSET: plat EARLIER than main_plat .time_interval_width:int # of mins before & after main_plat time included GROUND-BASED RAIN GAUGES: Pluvios, gauges (tipping buckets) .lat_d: int gauge's lat degrees .lat_m: int gauge's lat minutes .lat_s: int gauge's lat seconds .lon_d: int gauge's lon degrees .lon_m: int gauge's lon minutes .lon_s: int gauge's lon seconds .plat_name: string ID of unit's name .plat_type: string label for type of gauge: 'pluvio' or 'gauge' .operation_mode: string ID for op mode: 'pluvio' or 'gmin_gauge' .timestamp: 15 char 'YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS' timestamp for center of time interval contained in the column file .offset_vs_main: int/long # of seconds time offset vs main_plat POSITIVE OFFSET: plat LATER than main_plat NEGATIVE OFFSET: plat EARLIER than main_plat .time_interval_width:int # of mins before & after main_plat time included SATELLITE-BASED SENSORS: GMI, DPR .plat_name: string ID of sensor's name .plat_type: string label for this sensor product: 'GMI' or 'DPR' .frequency: string stating operating frequencies for the instrument [GHz] .file_type: string ID of PPS file type, eg: '2A-CS-CONUS' .algorithm: string algorithm name as from PPS filename (immediately after data type in PPS name), eg: 'GPROF2014v2-0' .orbit_num: string GPM orbit number (after end time in PPS name) .data_version: string version nunber of the dataset (just before file extension in PPS name) .timestamp: 15 char 'YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS' timestamp for pixel that includes/is closest to main_plat's lat/lon location .offset_vs_main: int/ulong # of seconds time offset vs main_plat POSITIVE OFFSET: plat LATER than main_plat NEGATIVE OFFSET: plat EARLIER than main_plat .timestamp_cntr: 15 char timestamp for pixel including/closest to column box center pt (instead of main_plat) MRMS LEVEL 2 PRODUCTS: MRMS .timestamp_requested 15 char 'YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS' timestamp passed to MRMS module .timestamp 15 char 'YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS' timestamp of MRMS products used .offset_vs_main int/long # of seconds time offset vs main_plat timestamp .products string list of available MRMS products SOUNDINGS: processed OLYMPEX campaign sondes .launch_site string name of sounding launch site .launch_latitude float latitude of launch site [dec deg] .launch_longitude float longitude of launch site [dec deg] .launch_elevation_MSL float elevation of launch site [m] MSL .launch_timestamp string timestamp of sonde launch as YYYYMMDD_HHMM .offset_vs_main int/long # of seconds time offset vs main_plat POSITIVE OFFSET: launch LATER than main_plat NEGATIVE OFFSET: launch EARLIER than main_plat .sonde_latitude* float array/structure - latitude of the sonde at each vertical level (5 hPa) in the input file .sonde_longitude* float array/structure - longitude of the sonde at each vertical level (5 hPa) in the input file .sonde_altitude* float array/structure - altitude [m] of the sonde at each vertical level (5 hPa) in the input file .QCflags_press* int array/structure - data processing QC flags for pressure field .QCflags_temp* int array/structure - data processing QC flags for temperature field .QCflags_dewpt* int array/structure - data processing QC flags for dew point field .QCflags_winds* int array/structure - data processing QC flags for wind speed & direction field .QCflags_altitude* int array/structure - data processing QC flags for altitude field *NOTE 1: For these Tags: sonde_latitude, sonde_longitude, sonde_altitude, QCflags_press, QCflags_temp, QCflags_dewpt, QCflags_winds, QCflags_altitude If 1 sonde in column box: Each of these tags will be an array. Each element of this array is the value of the parameter at each vertical level (5 hPa)from the original file (Level 4 processed OLYMPEX soundings) If >1 sonde in column box: Each of these tags will be a structure of arrays, with one array present for each sonde/launch site included in the column box. *NOTE 2: For the QCflags_ tags: int values indicate: 1 - good 6 - parameter interpolated 2 - objectively questionable 7 - parameter estimated 3 - visually questionable 8 - parameter unchecked 4 - objectively bad 9 - parameter missing 5 - visually bad -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- col_data_npol. Created by: grid_npol_for_column.pro Returned to: build_column.pro Tags: .**name: string name of ** data field, as recorded in the Radx gridded .nc file (may be an empty string) .**units: string telling the ** data field units, as recorded in the Radx gridded .nc file (may be an empty string) .**data: NPOL ** field value at locations in the column box grid this array is 3-D: [X x Y x Z] dims middle point of column box = middle point of this array IF EVEN # OF HORIZ COLUMN GRID SUBBOXES: middle point is along an edge IF ODD # OF HORIZ COLUMB GRID SUBBOXES: middle poit is at middle of a grid box Have 3 Tags for each ** NPOL field: .ZZname .CZname .DRname .RHname .PHname .KDname .SQname .ZZunits .CZunits .DRunits .RHunits .PHunits .KDunits .SQunits .ZZdata .CZdata .DRdata .RHdata .PHdata .KDdata .SQdata .SWname .VRname .RRname .RPname .RCname .D0name .NWname .SWunits .VRunits .RRunits .RPunits .RCunits .D0units .NWunits .SWdata .VRdata .RRdata .RPdata .RCdata .D0data .NWdata .FHname .N2name .DMname .FHunits .N2units .DMunits .FHdata .N2data .DMdata Fields: ZZ - original reflectivity [dBZ] CZ - corrected reflectivity [dBZ] DR - corected differenital reflectivity [dB] RH - correlation coefficient [unitless] PH - differenital phase [deg] KD - specific differential phase [deg/km] SQ - signal quality index [unitless] SW - spectrum width [m/s] VR - velocity [m/s] RR - DROPS2 rainrate, sim. to Cifelli etal 2011 [mm/h] RP - rainrate, via Bringi et al. 2004 algo [mm/h] RC - rainrate, via Cifelli et al. 2002 algo [mm/h] D0 - mean volume drop diameter (in DSD) [mm] NW - normalized intercept parameter (in DSD) [log(Nw)] note: Nw = Nw(z, Dm) FH - hydromet ID, via Brenda Dolan (CSU) algo [categorigal,see below] N2 - normalized intercept parameter, Tokay algo [log(Nw)] note: N2 = N2(z, Do) DM - mass-weighted mean diameter (in DSD) [mm] FH: hydrometeor ID field, classifications as from Dolan et al. 2013: -1: UN unclassified 1: DZ drizzle 2: RN rain 3: IC/CR ice crystals 4: AG/DS aggregates/dry snow 5: WS wet snow 6: VI vertically oriented ice 7: LDG low-density graupel 8: HDG high-density graupel 9: HA hail 10: BD big drop/melting hail -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- col_data_d3r. Created by: grid_d3r_for_column.pro Returned to: build_column.pro Tags: .k#**name: string name of ** data field, as recorded in the Radx gridded .nc file (may be an empty string) k#: for 'ka' or 'ku' .k#**units: string telling the ** data field units, as recorded in the Radx gridded .nc file (may be an empty string) k#: for 'ka' or 'ku' .k#**data: D3RKa- or Ku- band ** field value at locations in the column box grid. This array is 3-D: [X x Y x Z] dims. middle point of column box = middle point of this array IF EVEN # OF HORIZ COLUMN GRID SUBBOXES: middle point is along an edge IF ODD # OF HORIZ COLUMB GRID SUBBOXES: middle poit is at middle of a grid box Have 3 Tags for each ** D3R field: .kaDZname .kaVRname .kaSWname .kaDRname .kaPHname .kaDZunits .kaVRunits .kaSWunits .kaDRunits .kaPHunits .kaDZdata .kaVRdata .kaSWdata .kaDRdata .kaPHdata .kaRHname .kaSQname .kuDZname .kuVRname .kuSWname .kaRHunits .kaSQunits .kuDZunits .kuVRunits .kuSWunits .kaRHdata .kaSQdata .kuDZdata .kuVRdata .kuSWdata .kuDRname .kuPHname .kuRHname .kuSQname .kuCZname .kuDRunits .kuPHunits .kuRHunits .kuSQunits .kuCZunits .kuDRdata .kuPHdata .kuRHdata .kuSQdata .kuCZdata .kuCRname .kuKDname .kuCRunits .kuKDunits .kuCRdata .kuKDdata Fields: kaDZ - original reflectivity [dBZ] kaVR - velcoity [m/s] kaSW - specturm width [m/s] kaDR - differential reflectivity [dB] kaPH - differential phase [deg] kaRH - correlation coefficient [unitless] kuDZ - original reflectivity [dBZ] kuVR - velcoity [m/s] kuSW - specturm width [m/s] kuDR - differential reflectivity [dB] kuPH - differential phase [deg] kuRH - correlation coefficient [unitless] kuCZ*- corrected reflectivity [dBZ] kuCR*- corrected differential reflectivity [dB] kuKD*- specific differential phase [deg/km] *only in Ku-band files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- col_data_88d. Created by: grid_88d_for_column.pro Returned to: build_column.pro Tags: .**name: string name of ** data field, as recorded in the Radx gridded .nc file (may be an empty string) .**units: string telling the ** data field units, as recorded in the Radx gridded .nc file (may be an empty string) .**data: QC'd 88D lev2 ** field value at locations in the column grid this array is 3-D: [X x Y x Z] dims middle point of column box = middle point of this array IF EVEN # OF HORIZ COLUMN GRID SUBBOXES: middle point is along an edge IF ODD # OF HORIZ COLUMB GRID SUBBOXES: middle poit is at middle of a grid box Have 3 Tags for each ** 88D field: .ZZname .CZname .DRname .RHname .PHname .KDname .SWname .ZZunits .CZunits .DRunits .RHunits .PHunits .KDunits .SWunits .ZZdata .CZdata .DRdata .RHdata .PHdata .KDdata .SWdata .VRname .RRname .RPname .RCname .D0name .NWname .FHname .VRunits .RRunits .RPunits .RCunits .D0units .NWunits .FHunits .VRdata .RRdata .RPdata .RCdata .D0data .NWdata .FHdata .N2name .DMname .N2units .DMunits .N2data .DMdata col_data_88d_all: An array of the 88D col_data_ structures: If only one 88D, this is essentially the same as col_data_88d. When have multiple 88Ds available: lev2_plat_info structrue tags will have 1 element per 88D col_data_88d_all is an array of all the col_data_88d structures Can associate which radar each element of col_data_88d_all relates to: lev2_plat_info.plat_name[i] = string site ID for radar [i] col_data_88d_all[i] = col_data_88d structure for 88D radar [i] Fields: ZZ - original reflectivity [dBZ] CZ - corrected reflectivity [dBZ] DR - corected differenital reflectivity [dB] RH - correlation coefficient [unitless] PH - differenital phase [deg] KD - specific differential phase [deg/km] SW - spectrum width [m/s] VR - velocity [m/s] RR - DROPS2 rainrate, sim. to Cifelli etal 2011 [mm/h] RP - rainrate, via Bringi et al. 2004 algo [mm/h] RC - rainrate, via Cifelli et al. 2002 algo [mm/h] D0 - mean volume drop diameter (in DSD) [mm] NW - normalized intercept parameter (in DSD) [log(Nw)] note: Nw = Nw(z, Dm) FH - hydromet ID, via Brenda Dolan (CSU) algo [categorical,see below] N2 - normalized intercept parameter, Tokay algo [log(Nw)] note: N2 = N2(z, Do) DM - mass-weighted mean diameter (in DSD) [mm] FH: hydrometeor ID field, classifications as from Dolan et al. 2013: -1: UN unclassified 1: DZ drizzle 2: RN rain 3: IC/CR ice crystals 4: AG/DS aggregates/dry snow 5: WS wet snow 6: VI vertically oriented ice 7: LDG low-density graupel 8: HDG high-density graupel 9: HA hail 10: BD big drop/melting hail -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- col_data_dow6. Created by: grid_dow6_for_column.pro Returned to: build_column.pro Tags: .***name: string "long name" of *** data field, as recorded in Radx gridded .nc file (may be an empty string) .***units: string telling the ** data field units, as recorded in the Radx gridded .nc file (may be an empty string) .***data: DOW6 *** field value at locations in the column grid this array is 3-D: [X x Y x Z] dims middle point of column box = middle point of this array IF EVEN # OF HORIZ COLUMN GRID SUBBOXES: middle point is along an edge IF ODD # OF HORIZ COLUMB GRID SUBBOXES: middle poit is at middle of a grid box Have 3 Tags for each *** DOW6 field: .DBZHCname .DBZHC_Fname .DBZVCname .DBZVC_Fname .DBZHCunits .DBZHC_Funits .DBZVCunits .DBZVC_Funits .DBZHCdata .DBZHC_Fdata .DBZVCdata .DBZVC_Fdata .VRname .VR_Fname .SWname .SW_Fname .VRunits .VR_Funits .SWunits .SW_Funits .VRdata .VR_Fdata .SWdata .SW_Fdata .ZDRMname .ZDRM_Fname .ZDRCname .ZDRMunits .ZDRM_Funits .ZDRCunits .ZDRMdata .ZDRM_Fdata .ZDRCdata .RHOHVname .RHOHV_Fname .PHIDPname .PHIDP_Fname .RHOHVunits .RHOHV_Funits .PHIDPunits .PHIDP_Funits .RHOHVdata .RHOHV_Fdata .PHIDPdata .PHIDP_Fdata .KDPname .KDP_Fname .KDPunits .KDP_Funits .KDPdata .KDP_Fdata Fields: DBZHC - horiz reflectivity [dBZ] DBZHC_F - horiz reflectivity, clutter filtered [dBZ] DBZVC - vert reflectivity [dBZ] DBZVC_F - vert reflectivity, clutter filtered [dBZ] VR - velocity [m/s] VR_F - velocity, clutter filtered [m/s] SW - spectrum width [m/s] SW_F - spectrum width, clutter filtered [m/s] ZDRM - measured differential reflectivity [dB] ZDRM_F - measured diff. ref., clutter filtered [dB] ZDRC - offset-corrected diff. reflectivity [dB] RHOHV - correlation coefficient [unitless] RHOHV_F - correlation coeff., clutter filtered [unitless] PHIDP - differential phase shift [deg] PHIDP_F - diff. phase shift, clutter filtered [deg] KDP - specific differential phase [deg/km] KDP_F - specific diff. phase,clutter filtered [deg/km] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apu_info_and_data. Created by: get_apu_for_column.pro Returned to: build_column.pro This is a structure of structures: Tags: .apu_plat_info: This tag is itself a structure. Each of this structure's tags will be an array if there is more than 1 APU in the column box. (apu_plat_info structure is described above with other *_plat_info) Each APU Parameters Structure: field tags (4D, time+col dims) & units tags Data are included in a time interval centered on the main_plat timestamp and extending hafltime_interval minutes both BEFORE & AFTER the main_plat time. The halftime_interval parameter is set in build_column.pro. Values are stored in lowest vertical grid level, with total of 4 dimensions: [ time in interval, column x-dir, column y-dir, column z-dir ] Time dimension: each element incremented by 1-min first element = main platform time - halftime_interval minutes middle-1 element = main platform time - 1 minute middle element = main platform time middle+1 element = main platform time + 1 minute last element = main platform time + halftime_interval minutes .col_data_apu_rain. Fields in Ali's *_rainparameter_min.* files Tags: *based on measured drop fall speeds* .total_n_drops .total_concentration .liqwater_content .rainrate .ref_inRayleigh .massweightdiam .maximumdiam .units_n_drops .units_concentration .units_liqwatercontent .units_rainrate .units_ref_inRayleigh .units_massweight_diam .units_maximum_diam .col_data_apu_rain. Fields in Ali's *_rainparameter_min_ter.* files Tags: *based on drop terminal fall speeds* .tfs_total_n_drops .tfs_total_concentration .tfs_liqwater_content .tfs_rainrate .tfs_ref_inRayleigh .tfs_massweightdiam .tfs_maximumdiam .units_n_drops .units_concentration .units_liqwatercontent .units_rainrate .units_ref_inRayleigh .units_massweight_diam .units_maximum_diam .col_data_apu_dsd. Fields in Ali's *_raindsds_min.* files Tags: *based on measured drop fall speeds* .bin_## for bins 01-32, drop concentration .daimeter_bin## for bins 01-32, bin middle diameter .width_bin## for bins 01-32, bin widths .units_bin_drop_concen [drops m^-3 mm^-1] .units_binDiameter_andWidth [mm] .col_data_apu_dsd_ter. Fields in Ali's *_raindsds_min_ter.* files Tags: *based on drop terminal fall speeds* .tfs_bin_## for bins 01-32, drop concentration .daimeter_bin## for bins 01-32, bin middle diameter .width_bin## for bins 01-32, bin widths .units_bin_drop_concen [drops m^-3 mm^-1] .units_binDiameter_andWidth [mm] .col_data_apu_reflectivity. Fields in Ali's _reflectivity_ files Tags: .rainrate .ref_inRayleigh .ref_atS .ref_atC .ref_atX .ref_atKu .ref_atK .ref_atKa .ref_atW .units_rainrate .units_all_refs .col_data_apu_attenuation. Fields in Ali's _attenuation_ files Tags: .rainrate .attenS .attenC .attenX .attenKu .attenK .attenKa .attenW .units_rainrate .units_all_attens -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- two_dvd_info_and_data. Created by: get_2dvd_for_column.pro Returned to: build_column.pro This is a structure of structures: Tags: .two_dvd_plat_info: This tag is itself a structure. Each of the tags will be an array if there is more than 1 2DVD unit in the column box. (two_dvd_plat_info structure is described above w/ outher *plat_info) Each 2DVD Fields Structure: field tags (4D, time+col dims) & units tags (if a structure tag is actually -1, then that file type not avail) Data are included in a time interval centered on the main_plat timestamp and extending hafltime_interval minutes both BEFORE & AFTER the main_plat time. The halftime_interval parameter is set in build_column.pro. Values are stored in lowest vertical grid level, with total of 4 dimensions: [ time in interval, column x-dir, column y-dir, column z-dir ] Time dimension: each element incremented by 1-min first element = main platform time - halftime_interval minutes middle-1 element = main platform time - 1 minute middle element = main platform time middle+1 element = main platform time + 1 minute last element = main platform time + halftime_interval minutes .col_data_2dvd_dropcounts From *sn##_dropcount* files Tags: .dropcount_## for bin numbers 01-50 (50 tags) [number of drops] per 0.2 mm width diameter bin: bin01 D < 0.2mm bin02 0.2 mm < D < 0.4mm ... ... bin50 9.6mm < D < 10.0 mm .units_dropcount [number of drops] .col_data_2dvd_raindsd From 2dvd_sn##_raindsd[_50]* files Tags: *filtering for drops w/in +/-50% tfs* .concen_## for bin numbers 01-50 (50 tags) drop concentration per 0.2 mm width bin: bin01 D < 0.2mm bin02 0.2 mm < D < 0.4mm ... ... bin50 9.6mm < D < 10.0 mm .units_concentration [drops m^-3 of air mm^-1 bin] .col_data_2dvd_raindsd_100 From 2dvd_sn##_raindsd_100%.* files Tags: *all drops are included* .concen_## for bin numbers 01-50 (50 tags) drop concentration per 0.2 mm width bin: bin01 D < 0.2mm bin02 0.2 mm < D < 0.4mm ... ... bin50 9.6mm < D < 10.0 mm .units_concentration [drops m^-3 of air mm^-1 bin] .col_data_2dvd_raindsd_ter From 2dvd_sn##_raindsd_ter.* files Tags: *+/-50% tfs filter, based on drop tfs* .concen_ter_## for bin numbers 01-50 (50 tags) drop concentration per 0.2 mm width bin: bin01 D < 0.2mm bin02 0.2 mm < D < 0.4mm ... ... bin50 9.6mm < D < 10.0 mm .units_concentration [drops m^-3 of air mm^-1 bin] .col_data_2dvd_raindsd_100_ter From 2dvd_sn##_raindsd_100%_ter.* files Tags: *all drops included, based on drop tfs* .concen_ter_## for bin numbers 01-50 (50 tags) drop concentration per 0.2 mm width bin: bin01 D < 0.2mm bin02 0.2 mm < D < 0.4mm ... ... bin50 9.6mm < D < 10.0 mm .units_concentration [drops m^-3 of air mm^-1 bin] .col_data_2dvd_rainparam From 2dvd_sn##_rainparamameter[_50]* files Tags: *filtering for drops w/in +/-50% tfs* .tot_ndrops .units_ndrops [number of drops] .tot_concen .units_concen [drops m^-3 of air] .LWC .units_LWC [g m^-3] .rainrate .units_rainrate [mm h^-1] .refRayleigh .units_refRayleigh [dBZ] .Dm .units_Dm [mm] .Dmax .units_Dmax [mm] .Dmin .units_Dmin [mm] .stdevDm .stdevDm [mm] .col_data_2dvd_rainparam_100 From 2dvd_sn##_rainparamameter_100%.* files Tags: *all drops included* .tot_ndrops .units_ndrops [number of drops] .tot_concen .units_concen [drops m^-3 of air] .LWC .units_LWC [g m^-3] .rainrate .units_rainrate [mm h^-1] .refRayleigh .units_refRayleigh [dBZ] .Dm .units_Dm [mm] .Dmax .units_Dmax [mm] .Dmin .units_Dmin [mm] .stdevDm .stdevDm [mm] .col_data_2dvd_rainparam_ter From 2dvd_sn##_rainparameter_ter.* files Tags: *+/-50% tfs fileter, based on drop tfs* .tot_ndrops .units_ndrops [number of drops] .tot_concen .units_concen [drops m^-3 of air] .LWC .units_LWC [g m^-3] .rainrate .units_rainrate [mm h^-1] .refRayleigh .units_refRayleigh [dBZ] .Dm .units_Dm [mm] .Dmax .units_Dmax [mm] .Dmin .units_Dmin [mm] .stdevDm .stdevDm [mm] .col_data_2dvd_rainparam_100_ter From 2dvd_sn##_rainparameter_100%_ter.* files Tags: *all drops included, based on drop tfs* .tot_ndrops .units_ndrops [number of drops] .tot_concen .units_concen [drops m^-3 of air] .LWC .units_LWC [g m^-3] .rainrate .units_rainrate [mm h^-1] .refRayleigh .units_refRayleigh [dBZ] .Dm .units_Dm [mm] .Dmax .units_Dmax [mm] .Dmin .units_Dmin [mm] .stdevDm .stdevDm [mm] .col_data_2dvd_atten From 2dvd_sn##_multifreq_attenuation_ter* Tags: .rainrate .atten_S_band .units_rainrate [mm h^-1] .atten_C_band .units_all_attens [dB km^-1] .atten_X_band .atten_Ku_band .atten_K_band .atten_Ka_band .atten_W_band .col_data_2dvd_ref From 2dvd_sn##_dmdultifreq_reflectivity_ter* Tags: .rainrate .ref_S_band .units_rainrate [mm h^-1] .ref_C_band .units_all_refs [dB km^-1] .ref_X_band .ref_Ku_band .ref_K_band .ref_Ka_band .ref_W_band -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pluvio_info_and_data. Created by: get_pluvio_for_column.pro Returned to: build_column.pro Tags: .pluvio_plat_info: This tag is itself a structure, described above w/ other *_plat_info structures .col_data_pluvio: data from Ali's *pluvio*_preciprate.* files Data are included in a time interval centered on the main_plat timestamp and extending hafltime_interval minutes both BEFORE & AFTER the main_plat time. The halftime_interval parameter is set in build_column.pro. Values are stored in lowest vertical grid level, with total of 4 dimensions: [ time in interval, column x-dir, column y-dir, column z-dir ] Time dimension: each element incremented by 1-min first element = main platform time - halftime_interval minutes middle-1 element = main platform time - 1 minute middle element = main platform time middle+1 element = main platform time + 1 minute last element = main platform time + halftime_interval minutes Tags: .pluvio_preciprate_mm_per_min: precip rates in [mm/min] .pluvio_preciprate_mm_per_hr: precip rates in [mm/h] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gauges_info_and_data. Created by: get_gauges_for_column.pro Returned to: build_column.pro This is a structure of structures: Tags: .gauges_plat_info: This tag is itself a structure, described above with other *_plat_info sturctures .col_data_gauges: This tag is itself a structure, the col_data from the available gauges to be placed in the column grid Data are included in a time interval centered on the main_plat timestamp and extending hafltime_interval minutes both BEFORE & AFTER the main_plat time. The halftime_interval parameter is set in build_column.pro. Values are stored in lowest vertical grid level, with total of 4 dimensions: [ time in interval, column x-dir, column y-dir, column z-dir ] Time dimension: each element incremented by 1-min first element = main platform time - halftime_interval minutes middle-1 element = main platform time - 1 minute middle element = main platform time middle+1 element = main platform time + 1 minute last element = main platform time + halftime_interval minutes Field Tag: 4-D dims, matching time + column box dims Units Tag: 1-D, string .gauges_rainrate .units_rainrate [mm h^-1] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mrr_info_and_data. Created by: get_mrr_for_column.pro Returned to: build_column.pro This is a structure of structures: Tags: .mrr_plat_info: This tag is itself a structure, described above with other *_plat_info structures .col_data_mrr: This tag is itsef a structure, the col_data from MRR to be placed in the column grid Field Tags: 4-D dims, matching time + column box dims Data are included in a time interval centered on the main_plat timestamp and extending hafltime_interval minutes both BEFORE & AFTER the main_plat time. The halftime_interval parameter is set in build_column.pro. Values are stored in lowest vertical grid level, with total of 4 dimensions: [ time in interval, column x-dir, column y-dir, column z-dir ] Time dimension: each element incremented by 1-min first element = main platform time - halftime_interval minutes middle-1 element = main platform time - 1 minute middle element = main platform time middle+1 element = main platform time + 1 minute last element = main platform time + halftime_interval minutes .PIA 2-way path integrated attenuation due to rain drop [dB] .aRef attenuated reflectivity factor [dBZ] .ref reflectivity factor, corrected for attenuation [dBZ] .RR rainrate [mm h^-1] .LWC liquid water content [g m^-3] .WVEL velocity (CAPITAL W) [m/s] .disdro_Z Z computed from 64 bin drop density profiles [dBZ] .disdro_Dm Dm computed from 64 bin drop density profiles [mm] .disdro_Nw Nw computed from 64 bin drop density profiles [log(Nw)] Units/Info Tags: 1-D, are strings or ints .name_PIA .name_aRef .name_ref .name_RR .name_LWC .name_WVEL .name_disdro_Z .name_disdro_Dm .name_disdro_Nw .units_PIA .units_aRef .units_ref .units_RR .units_LWC .units_WVEL .units_disdro_Z .units_disdro_Dm .units_disdro_Nw .data_quality -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gmi_gprof_info_and_data. Created by: get_gprofgmi_for_column.pro Returned to: build_column.pro This is a structure of structures: Tags: .gmi_plat_info: This tag is itself a structure, described above with other *_plat_info structures .col_data_gmi: This tag is itself a structure, the col_data from GMI to be placed in the column grid For each GMI GPROF product field, have: .data_[field] .name_[field] .units_[field] Fields are: qualityFlag generalized data quality indicator, from 2AGPROF file: 0: high - retrieval is good 1: medium - can use but with high caution 2: low - data is bad for quantitative use -99: missing sunGlintAnlge angle between the sun and instrument viewing direction as reflected off Earth sruface. When this is zero, instrument views center of the sun's reflection. ranges 0-127 deg [deg] -88: sun is below the horizon -99: missing value sfcTypeIndex surface type from catagories as: 1: ocean 2: sea ice 3: maximum vegetation 4: high vegetation 5: moderate vegetation 6: low vegetation 7: minimal vegetation 8: maximum snow 9: moderate snow 10: low snow 11: minimal snow 12: standing water & rivers 13: water/land coast boundary 14: water/ice boundary 15: land/ice boundary -99: missing value totalPWater total precipitable water [kg m^-2] (or [mm]) sfcPrecip surface precipiation rate [mm h^-1] POP propability of precipitation [0-100%] mostLikePrecip most likely surface precipitation rate, this is the precip rate w/ value nearest the Tb in the Bayesian retrieval [mm h^-1] precip1stTer surface precipitation rate at 1st tertiary of the precipitation distrubution [mm h^-1] precip2ndTer surface precipitation rate at 2nd tertiary of the precipitation distrubution [mm h^-1] rainWaterPath total integrated rain water [kg m^-2] (or [mm]) cloudWaterPath total integrated cloud liquid water [kg m^-2] (or [mm]) iceWaterPath total integrated cloud ice water [kg m^-2] (or [mm]) FIELDS SPECIFIC FOR V04A: sfcSkinTemp suface temperature [K] mixedWaterPath total integrated mixed phase water [kg m^-2] (or [mm]) liquidPrecipFrac fraction of surface precip that is liquid [value 0-1] convecPrecipFrac fraction of surface precip that is convective [value 0-1] FIELDS SPECIFIC FOR V05A: L1CqualityFlag pixel quality for GPROF input data [0 is best] CAPE_index model derived cape index (all set to missing in V05 as of 8 May 2017) [values 1-5] frozenPrecip instantaneous frozen precip rate at the sfc [mm h^-1] convectivePrecip instantaneous convective precip rate at sfc [mm h^-1] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gmi_lev1c_info_and_data. Created by: get_lev1cgmi_for_column.pro Returned to: build_column.pro This is a structure of structures: Tags: .gmi_plat_info: This tag is itself a structure, described above with other *_plat_info structures .col_data_gmi: This tag is itself a structure, the col_data from GMI to be placed in the column grid For GMI L1C product fields, have tags: .name_quality: string name describing quality parameters .units_quality: string describing units for quality parameters .name_incAng: string name describing incidence angle parameters .units_incAng: string describing units for incidence angle parameters .name_sunGlint: string name describing sun glint angle parameters .units_sunGlint: string describing units for sun glint angle parameters .units_tc: string describing units for calibrated GMI brightness temperatures [K] additional tags for individual fields: .data_[field] .name_[field] Fields are: quality_s1 quality flag for S1 swath (10-89 GHz channels) = 0: best quality > 0: caution < 0: major issues quality_s2 quality flag for S2 swath (166-183 GHz channels) = 0: best quality > 0: caution < 0: major issues incAng[_*_#] Earth incidence angle, for each channel at * frequency, # polarization sunGlint[_*_#] sun glint angle at * frequency, # polarization -88: sun is below horizon for incAng & sunGlint: [_*_#] will be: _107_V 10.7 GHz, vertical polarization channel _107_H 10.7 GHz, horizontal polarization channel _187_V 18.7 GHz, vertical polarization channel _187_H 18.7 GHz, horizontal polarization channel _238_V 23.8 GHz, vertical polarization channel _365_V 36.5 GHz, vertical polarization channel _365_H 36.5 GHz, horizontal polarization channel _890_V 89.0 GHz, vertical polarization channel _890_H 89.0 GHz, horizontal polarization channel _166_V 166.0 GHz, vertical polarization channel _166_H 166.0 GHz, horizontal polarization channel _183_3_V 183.3+/-3 GHz, vertical polarization channel _183_8_V 183.3+/-8 GHz, vertical polarization channel tc[*_*_#] calibrated GMI brightness temperatures [K] at column grid point locations. [*_*_#] will be: 10_7_V 10.7 GHz, vertical polarization channel 10_7_H 10.7 GHz, horizontal polarization channel 18_7_V 18.7 GHz, vertical polarization channel 18_7_H 18.7 GHz, horizontal polarization channel 23_8_V 23.8 GHz, vertical polarization channel 36_5_V 36.5 GHz, vertical polarization channel 36_5_H 36.5 GHz, horizontal polarization channel 89_0_V 89.0 GHz, vertical polarization channel 89_0_H 89.0 GHz, horizontal polarization channel 166_0_V 166.0 GHz, vertical polarization channel 166_0_H 166.0 GHz, horizontal polarization channel 183pm3_V 183.3+/-3 GHz, vertical polarization channel 183pm8_V 183.3+/-8 GHz, vertical polarization channel -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dpr_info_and_data. Created by: get_dpr_for_column.pro Returned to: build_column.pro This is a structure of structures: Tags: .dpr_plat_info: This tag is itself a structure, described above with other *_plat_info structures .col_data_dpr: This tag is itself a structure, the col_data from DPR to be placed in the column grid For each DPR field, have: [#S]: HS, NS, or MS scan swath .data_[#S]_[field] .name_[#S]_[field] .units_[#S]_[field] Fields are: _[#S]_sfcType land surface type 0-99: ocean 100-199: land 200-299: coast 300-399: inland water _[#S]_flagPrecip precip vs no precip flag 0: no precip by either Ka & Ku 1: precip by Ka, not by Ku 10: precip by Ku, not by Ka 11: precip by both Ka & Ku _[#S]_htStormTop height of storm top [m] _[#S]_htZeroDeg height of freezing level (0 deg C) [m] _[#S]_flagBB flag for BB exists or not 0: no bright band 1: BB in Ku & DFRm 2: BB in Ku only 3: BB in DFRm only -1111: no rain/no BB _[#S]_htBB height of the bright band [m] _[#S]_widthBB width of bright band [m], but -1111.1 mean no precip _[#S]_qualtiyBB general quality of BB signature 1: clear BB 0: no BB detected in rain 2: "not so clear" BB 3: "smeared" BB _[#S]_typePrecip 8 character precip description abcdefgh a = typePrecip/10000000 1: stratiform 2: convective 3: other *see FileSpec documentation for more on the other (b-h) values _[#S]_qualityTypePrecip general quality of typePrecip value 1: good -1111: no rain _[#S]_PIAfinal final est of path int atten due to precip particles [dB] _[#S]_corZFacNearSfc atten cor reflectivity factor near sfc [dBZ] _[#S]_precipRateNearSfc precop rate near the surface [mm h^-1] _[#S]_precipRateAve24 precip rate average for 2-4 km ht [mm h^-1] _[#S]_phaseNearSfc precipitation phase state [as for DSD phase, see below] _[#S]_zFacMeas measured ref. factor (no atten cor) [dBZ] _[#S]_attenNoPrecip attenuation due to non-precip particles [dB] *only HS, NS _[#S]_corZFac atten corrected reflectivity factor [dBZ] _[#S]_precipRate precipitation rate [mm h^-1] *only HS, NS _[#S]_DSDphase Phase state of precip < 100: Temp in C = phase-100 > 200: Temp in C = phase-200 = 100: Top of BB = 200: Bottom of BB = 175: for range bins in BB value of phase/100: 0: solid 1: mixed phase 2: liquid *only HS, NS _[#S]_PIA_cloudwater Cloud water component of path integrated atten due to non-precip particles [dB] _[#S]_PIA_cloudice Cloud ice component of path integrated atten due to non-precip particles [dB] _[#S]_PIA_watervapor Wate vapor component of path integrated atten due to non-precip particles [dB] _[#S]_PIA_oxygen Oxygen molecules component of path int. atten due to non-precip particles [dB] _[#S]_TPW_liquid column integrated precip. liquid water [g m^-2] _[#S]_TPW_ice column integrated precip. solid water [g m^-2] _[#S]_dBNw DSD normalized intercept parameter [dB] *only HS, NS _[#S]_Dm DSD mass weighted mean diameter [mm] *only HS, NS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lev2bcmb_info_and_data. Created by: get_lev2bcmb_for_column.pro Returned to: build_column.pro This is a structure of structures: Tags: .lev2bcmb_plat_info: This tag is itself a structure, descrived above with other *_plat_info structures .col_data_lev2bcmb: This tag is itself a structure, the col_data from 2BCMB to be placed in the column grid For each 2BCMB field have: [#S]: NS or MS scan swath .data_[#S]_[field] .name_[#S]_[field] .units_[#S]_[field] Fields are: _[#S]_dataFitError error of data fit ranges 20-350 [K] _[#S]_precipFlag precip flag from DPR 0: no precip 1: precip _[#S]_precipType 8 character precip description from DPR: abcdefgh a: precip type 1: stratiform 2: convective 3: other *see FileSpec documention for more on other (b-h) values _[#S]_precipTypeQual precip type quality from DPR (generally positive is good) _[#S]_htZeroDeg altitude of freezing level [m] _[#S]_PIA 2-way PIA from DPR [dB] _[#S]_precipRateSfc precip rate at surface [mm h^-1] _[#S]_precipRateSfcSigma uncertainty in sfc precip rate [mm h^-1] _[#S]_sfcPrecipRateLiqFrac sfc liquid precip rate fraction (fraction) _[#S]_GMIsim_107_V simulated Tb for 10.7 GHz V pol [K] _[#S]_GMIsim_107_H simulated Tb for 10.7 GHz H pol [K] _[#S]_GMIsim_187_V simulated Tb for 18.7 GHz V pol [K] _[#S]_GMIsim_187_H simulated Tb for 18.7 GHz H pol [K] _[#S]_GMIsim_238_V simulated Tb for 23.8 GHz V pol [K] _[#S]_GMIsim_365_V simulated Tb for 36.5 GHz V pol [K] _[#S]_GMIsim_365_H simulated Tb for 36.5 GHz H pol [K] _[#S]_GMIsim_890_V simulated Tb for 89.0 GHz V pol [K] _[#S]_GMIsim_890_H simulated Tb for 89.0 GHz H pol [K] _[#S]_GMIsim_166_V simulated Tb for 166 GHz V pol [K] _[#S]_GMIsim_166_H simulated Tb for 166 GHz H pol [K] _[#S]_GMIsim_183_3_V sim Tb for 183.3+/-3 GHz V pol [K] _[#S]_GMIsim_183_8_V sim Tb for 183.3+/-8 GHz V pol [K] _[#S]_cloudIWC cloud ice water content [g m^-3] _[#S]_cloudLWC cloud liquid water content [g m^-3] _[#S]_corZFac atten corrected reflectivity factor [dBZ] _[#S]_precipLWC precip liquid water content [g m^-3] _[#S]_precipLWCsigma uncertainty in precip LWC [g m^-3] _[#S]_precipRate precipitation rate [mm h^-1] _[#S]_precipRateSigma uncertainty in precip rate [mm h^-1] _[#S]_PSDparam_Dm DSD Dm - computed [mm] _[#S]_PSDparam_Nw DSD Nw - prescribed [log(Nw)] _[#S]_PSDparam_mu DSD mu - prescribed [unitless] _[#S]_liqMassFracInMP fraction of precip mass that is liquid within the mixed-phase region (fraction) _[#S]_liqRateFracInMP fraction of precip rate that is liquid within the mixed-phase region (fraction) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- mrms_info_and_data. Created by: get_mrms_for_column.pro Returned to: build_column.pro This is a structure of structures: Tags: .mrms_plat_info: This tag is itself a structure, described above with other *_plat_info structures .col_data_mrms: This tag is itself a structure, the col_data from MRMS to be placed in the column grid. Have data, units, & name tags for each field: .data_precip_rate MRMS Lev2 precip rate .name_precip_rate (only z dim:0 is populated - sfc) .units_precip_rate [mm/ h] .data_precip_type MRMS Lev2 precip type code .name_precip_type -1: missing .units_precip_type 0: no precipitation 1: warm startiform rain 2: warm stratiform rain at ground, but radar at 1.5 km or higher 3: snow 4: snow at ground, but radar at 1.5 km or higher 6: convective precipitaiton 7: hail 10: cool stratiform rain 91: tropical/stratiform rain mix 96: tropical/convective rain mix .data_radarQuality MRMS Lev2 RadarQualityIndex .name_radarQuality ranges 0-1 .units_radarQuality 1 indicates best quality .data_HrlyRadarGaugeRatio MRMS ratio of hourly gauge-adjusted .name_HrlyRadarGaugeRatio radar & hourly radar only .units_HrlyRadarGaugeRatio ranges 0.1-10 .data_mrms_to_grid_dist Distance from the column grid point to .name_mrms_to_grid_dist the MRMS point use for its assignment .units_mrms_to_grid_dist [m] -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sondes_info_and_data. Created by: get_olympex_sondes_for_column.pro Returned to: build_column.pro This is a structure of structures: Tags: .sondes_plat_info: This tag is itself a structure, described above with other *_plat_info structures .col_data_sondes: This tag is itself a structure, the col_data from sounding(s) to be placed in the column grid. Field tags for soundings data, .sondes_* tags all are 3D arrays matching the column box dimensions. Index/full profile fieds (CAPE, CIN, TPW, LCL, LFC, EQL, and CorsApplied) are only polulated at the lowest vertical grid level. Tags: .sondes_press pressure .units_press [hPa] .sondes_temp temperature .units_temp [deg C] .sondes_dewpt dew point temperature .units_dewpt [deg C] .sondes_wind_speed wind speed .units_wind_speed [m/s] .sondes_wind_dir wind direction .units_wind_dir [deg] .sondes_CAPE Convective Available Potential Energy .units_CAPE [J/kg] .sondes_CIN Convective Inhibition .units_CIN [J/kg] .sondes_TPW Total Precipitable Water .units_TPW [mm] .sondes_LCL Lifting Condensation Level .units_LCL [hPa] .sondes_LFC Level of Free Convection .units_LFC [hPa] .sondes_EQL Equilibrium Level .units_EQL [hPa] .sondes_CorsApplied corrections applied to the sounding during the QC process (these are NOT applied by SIMBA -- See OLYMPEX soundings QC documentation and/or Ciesielski et al. (2012). Values are: 0 - no corrections applied 1 - humiditiy corrected 2 - surface p corrected 3 - surface T & Td corrected 4 - low-evel T & Td corrected -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------